Alberta government bolsters fish and wildlife staff
September 6, 2007
16-week training camp starts for Alberta, Saskatchewan and B.C. officers
Edmonton... A 16-week boot camp is underway for Alberta's 16 new Fish and Wildlife officers who, for the first time, will be shoulder-to-shoulder with their Saskatchewan and B.C. counterparts at the Hinton Training Centre.
"This fulfills our Budget 2007 commitment to bolster our fish and wildlife staff," said Ted Morton, Minister of Sustainable Resource Development. "There's more activity on public land, and we need more Fish and Wildlife officers to protect our resources with the right balance of enforcement and education." The department's budget increased by $1.5 million for the hiring and training of Fish and Wildlife officers.
This is a rare opportunity for Fish and Wildlife officers to undergo training as a group, and it's the first time Saskatchewan and B.C. officers will be included in this training. The group will learn how to handle problem wildlife and enforcement situations. In addition, officers will receive off-highway vehicle training, firearm training, defensive tactics and emergency survival and rescue techniques. The officers have been assigned placements after assessing the demands for all aspects of the field services program across the province.
On any given day, Alberta's 140 full-time fish and wildlife officers patrol public lands, enforce federal and provincial fish and wildlife laws, investigate complaints, deliver education programs, inspect commercial operations and issue licences and permits.
The hiring and training of Fish and Wildlife officers fulfills the need to address operational pressures resulting from the growth in population and increased development. This supports Premier Ed Stelmach's commitment to manage Alberta's growth pressures. Other priorities for the government are to build a stronger Alberta, govern with integrity and transparency, improve Albertans' quality of life and promote safe and secure communities.